
What is Taheebo?
Taheebo is scientifically called Tabebuia avellanedae, a Bignonia family tree which naturally grows in the Amazon basin, Brazil. It grows only in a specific fertile area along the Amazon river. Since its habitat factors, such as climate and soil condition are very limited, Taheebo is considered impossible to artificially cultivate and therefore, very valuable.
TOPICSLatest information on IMSTR
  • 2024/11/30
    Notice of office moving

    Our office has moved from November.
    The new office is as follows.

    General Incorporated Association International Taheebo Medical Research Association
    8F Ikeman Building, 2-2-5 Minamihonmachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Osaka 541-0054
  • 2021/11/24
    A new paper has been published

    George Y.C. Wong, an academic member of our research group, announced the effectiveness of Taheebo in the journal “Archives Of Breast Cancer.” An article was published in the Health Journal.
  • 2020/1/21
  • 2018/11/18
    The International Tahibo Medical Research Society Symposium 2018.

    We are pleased to announce that the International Tahibo Medicine Symposium 2018 was held on November 18, 2018 at the Ito International Research Center of the University of Tokyo.